Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

I believe that

God means what he says.

God keeps his promises.

God hears those who cry.

God embraces those who search for him.

God gives the Living Water to the thirsty.

God is ready to touch and hug a Leper just to prove his love.

God will never leave me alone.

God will answer my prayers.

God has a plan for me

God lifts up those who have fallen down.

God holds together those who are falling apart.

God brings into the light those who are alone and abandoned.

God is ready to go to lengths just to win his children back.

God will throw up a huge feast in the universe when a sinner goes to Christ.

God will never give up on those who have given up on him.

God is ready to welcome back his returning children.

God is here, right beside me, always ready to help when I call. He loves me amidst all my embarrassing mistakes, and He will never bring me down. He loves me with all his heart and I believe, that at last, in His presence I have found my worth.

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