1. Intimacy with God: An Essential Requirement
God’s love, power, strength, and abiding care are anchors to our hearts and souls in times of great distress. If we are intimately involved with Him then when the storms of life hit and the winds of adversity blow hard against us, we can quickly discern how to stand firm in our faith.
2. God's Way is the Best Way
We may not understand why He moves in a certain direction, but if we are willing to learn His ways, we will gain insight into His heart and then His Spirit will give us a desire to follow His leading, regardless of what we think should or should not happen. If you want to know the ways of God, take time—consistent time—to be alone with Him
3. You Can Trust God's Promises
God always keeps His word. If He has given you a specific promise, you can be assured that He will fulfill it. It may not be according to your timetable, but it will always be according to what is right in line with His will for your life.
4. The Way God Reveals Himself
While our knowledge of God is limited, the closer we become to Him the more understanding we will gain. Like a photograph of a vast landscape, it is awe-inspiring, but it does not reveal what is going on in the hidden corners—the places where light filters in, bringing warmth and a sense of belonging.
There is only one way to discover His best, and it begins the moment you surrender all.
5. God Brings Good from Evil
There are no shortcuts around suffering. There is no easy way through the trouble God asks you to face. You may come to a point where you think the only thing you seem to have is your faith in God. If this is the case, I want to assure you that it is more than enoug.
6. Expect the Unexpected
God has never failed to keep a single promise. If He tells you to trust Him, you can absolutely put your faith in Him and know whatever concerns you concerns Him and He will work on your behalf. You do not need to worry, fret or wonder what you should do next because when it is time for you to take a step, He will make it perfectly clear. And one of the ways He does this is by showing up in your life..
7. Right on Time
The one thing you cannot forget—whether your circumstances are dark and stormy or bright and sunny—is that God is always at work. He is involved in every single moment of every day. You may drift into rebellion and disobedience. But if you are truly committed to the Lord, you will learn to walk in step with His will. Then the doors that open before you and the opportunities He gives will take place within His perfect timing.
8. God Uses Adversity
When adversity strikes, do you feel panic or trust God? Don’t overlook the fact that He is a restorer of hope: “The Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning” (Job 42:12). God sees what we will never be able to see. He infinitely knows what will happen in the future. Suffering prepares you by training you to trust God and know that He is always at work in your life.
9. Forgiven!
We need Someone to make a sacrificial offering for us so that we can be forgiven. The only Person who can do this is the sinless, blameless, spotless Lamb of God—Jesus Christ.
When you accept Him as your Savior, your life is covered by His blood. You are sealed with an unbreakable seal that proclaims your forgiveness and innocence before God and all of Satan’s forces.
10. The God of Absolute Love
Jesus gave Himself to us. His love is a free gift. He gave freely because this is His way—giving and offering all that He has to you and me. No matter where you go, God loves you, and He is waiting for you to turn your life, your circumstances and your future over to Him so He can bless you in awesome ways.
11. God Delights in Obedience
We are not born with the desire to obey God or anyone in authority. It is a learning process. God doesn’t necessarily want us to work to achieve it; He wants it to be our first nature. We obey Him because of who He is
12. In Step with God's Plan
Can you understand the ways of God? Absolutely. Can you know the plans He has for your life? Yes, you can, but you must make a decision to seek Him. When you do, you will find Him, and you also will discover all you could ever hope to know and have. The pattern of your life will fall right in step with Gods’ plan and will. And as a result, the joy you will experience will be unending and without measure.
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