Jumat, 01 Mei 2009


Let's start off quick with the first one... Are your actions building others up or tearing them down? Believers or not. Some people call good actions “Random Acts of Kindness”, and perhaps they are, but as we're following Christ and living our lives like Him, they should be our every-day nature, not just “random”. Here's a little story that shows what I mean about your actions hurting others...

I went to the store the other day, I was only in there for about 5 minutes and when I came out there was a motorcycle cop writing a parking ticket. So I went up to him and said, 'Come on buddy, how about giving a guy a break?'

He ignored me and continued writing the ticket.

So I called him a pencil necked donut eater. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having bald tires!!

So I called him a horse face. He finished the second ticket and put it on the car with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket!!

This went on for about 20 minutes, the more I abused him, the more tickets he wrote.

I didn't care. My car was parked around the corner.

Even though that is a story that makes us laugh, see how this person's actions affected whoever's car that was? They were not only going to have to pay a lot of money in tickets, but were going to have a really bad day! What if the person is pushed away from Christ because of your actions? It's really important that we think about our actions towards others before we just act.

But let's also talk about how others see us and our example. Is the way you're acting when you're by yourself reflecting Christ? Have you thought about that? Here's another story to help with that...

I was sitting at a stop light this morning. The lady in front of me was going through papers on the seat of her car, and when the light changed to green she did not obey its command. You know, a green light is a commandment - NOT a suggestion. When the light turned to red, and she had still not moved, I began (with my windows up) screaming epithets and beating on my steering wheel.

My expressions of distress were interrupted by a policeman, gun drawn, tapping on my window. Against my protestations of, "You can't arrest me for hollering in my car," he ordered me into the back seat of his.

After about two hours in a holding cell, the arresting officer advised me I was free to go. I stormed out at him, "I knew you couldn't arrest me for yelling in my own car. You haven't heard the last of this."

The officer replied, "I didn't arrest you for shouting in your car. I was directly behind you at the light. I saw you screaming and beating your steering wheel, and I said to myself, "What a jerk. But there is nothing I can do to him for throwing a fit in his own car. Then I noticed the 'Cross' hanging from your rear view mirror, the bright yellow 'Choose Life' license tag, the 'Jesus is Coming Soon' bumper sticker, and the Fish symbol, and I thought you must have stolen the car!"

That right there is a very good point... How are you acting when you're by yourself? Are you reflecting Christ? In this case he wasn't, and the officer put him in his place about it. A lot of people these days are driven away from Christ because of people who claim to be Christians are acting so poorly and treating each other and others poorly. Our goal is to go and bring others to Christ and raise them up spiritually.

So that's this week's challenge, encourage everyone, build everyone up, live your life as an example of who Christ is, and spread the Word! Remember that we're an example to everyone whether they're a believer or not.

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